Tuesday 18 December 2018

Unlimited parameters(vararg)

Default values and named parameters





Variables and Values


Recently a former colleague told me that he started learning Kotlin. I had no idea what that was so I decided to do some research. I discovered that this main purpose language released in February 2016 by JetBrains(The creators of IntelliJ) has a very big chance of becoming one of the most popular programming languages in the nearly future. With great expressiveness, no boiler plate and quite intuitive I think it will soon become the favourite language for Java developers to move to. It's learning curve doesn't seem to be very steep and it's interoperability with Java will make the transition path smoother. Also Kotlin seems to have a large adoption already in the industry with some of the biggest names using it(Google, Amazon, Netflix,Pinterest,Uber,Foursquare,Trello,Capital One...). If Kotlin is here to stay, I don't want to miss out. I decided to start learning it and by the end of 2019 become proficient with it. I created this blog called Kotlin4J to document my learning path. Wish me luck! :)